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2. R. D. Driver, L. F. Martins and I. W Rodrigues, An Intuitive Approach to the Variation of Parameters, International Journal of Mathematical Educations in Science and Technology 23, No.5, (1992), 691-694.

3. V. Lj. Kocic, G. Ladas and I. W. Rodrigues, On Rational Recursive Sequences, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 173, No. 1 (1993), 127-157.\

4. I. W. Rodrigues, Oscillation and Attractivity in a Equation with Piecewise Constant Arguments, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics 24, No. 1 (1994), 1-11.

5. E. Camouzis, G. Ladas, S. Northshield and I.W. Rodrigues, On the Rational Recursive Sequence x(n+1)=bx(n)^2/(1+x(n-1)^2), Computers and Mathematics with Applications 28, (1994), 37-43.

6. L. F. Martins and I. W. Rodrigues, Angle Trisection by Fixed Point Iteration, The College Mathematics Journal 26-3, (1995), 205-208.

7. L. F. Martins and I. W. Rodrigues, A Serendipitous Encounter with the Cantor Ternary Function, The College Mathematics Journal 27-3 (1996), 193-198.

8. I. W. Rodrigues, System of Differential Equations of Alternately Retarded and Advanced Type, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications 209, (1997), 180-190.

9. M.R.S. Kulenovic, G. Ladas, L. F. Martins and I. W. Rodrigues, On the Dynamics Sequence x(n+1)=(a+bx(n))/(A+Bx(n)+Cx(n-1)), Computers and Mathematics with Applications 45, (2003), 1087-1099.