
2020. Jewish Christianity: The Making of the Christianity-Judaism Divide (Yale University Press)

2010 (2001). Logos and Law in the Letter of James (Brill, 2001; pb edition SBL Press, 2010)

2007. Jewish Christianity Reconsidered (ed.; Fortress Press)

Forthcoming. "Hebrews, the Catholic Epistles, and the 'Parting of the Ways'." In Patrick Gray, ed., Oxford Handbook of Hebrews and the Catholic Epistles (Oxford: Oxford University Press).

2019. "The Letter of James and Hellenistic Philosophy." Pages 45-71 in Eric F. Mason and Darian Lockett, eds., Reading the Epistle of James (SBL Press)

2014. "Enduring Temptation: The Structure and Coherence of the Letter of James." Journal for the Study of the New Testament 37: 161-84.

2014. "Orthodoxy, Heresy and Jewish Christianity: Critical Reflections on Categories in Edwin Broadhead's Jewish Ways of Following Jesus."  Pages 169-83 in Thomas R. Blanton IV et al., eds.,The History of Religions School Today: Essays on the New Testament and Related Ancient Mediterranean Texts (Mohr Siebeck)

2013. "Ebionites and Nazoraeans: Christians or Jews?"  Pages 187-205 in Hershel Shanks, ed., Partings: How Judaism and Christianity Became Two (Biblical Archaeology Society)

2012. "The Invention of 'Jewish Christianity' in John Toland's Nazarenus." Pages 67-90 in F. Stanley Jones, ed., The Rediscovery of Jewish Christianity: From Toland to Baur (SBL Press)

2012. "'Jewish Christianity' and 'Christian Deism' in Thomas Morgan's The Moral Philosopher." Pages 105-122 in F. Stanley Jones, ed., The Rediscovery of Jewish Christianity: From Toland to Baur (SBL Press)

2010. "Women and Eros in Greek Magic and the Acts of Paul and Thecla." Pages 267-78 in Steve Ahearn-Kroll et al., eds., Women and Gender in Ancient Religions: Interdisciplinary Approaches (Mohr Siebeck)

2009. "The Politics of Pseudepigraphy and the Letter of James." Pages 599-623 in Jörg Frey et al., eds., Pseudepigraphie und Verfasserfiktion in frühchristlichen Briefen/Pseudepigraphy and Author Fiction in Early Christian Letters. Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testatment. Tübingen: Mohr-Siebeck.

2007. "Introduction." Pages 1-6 in Jewish Christianity Reconsidered. Minneapolis: Fortress.

2007. "What's In a Name? The Problem of 'Jewish Christianity'." Pages 7-38 in Jewish Christianity Reconsidered. Minneapolis: Fortress.

2004.  "The Stoic Theory of Implanted Preconceptions." Phronesis: A Journal of Ancient Philosophy 49:323-47.

2003. "The Messiah Jesus in the Mythic World of James." Journal of Biblical Literature 122:701-730.

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2010. "Epistle of Jude." The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism, edited by John J. Collins and Daniel C. Harlow. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Eerdmans.

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2007. "Desire." New Interpreters Dictionary of the Bible. Volume 2 (D-H), edited by Katherine Doob Sakenfeld et al. Nashville, Tenn.: Abingdon Press.

Pain and Paradox in 2 Corinthians: The Transformative Function of Strength in Weakness, by Benjamin G. White (WUNT 2/255; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2021). Review of Biblical Literature 2023 (

Gentile Christian Identity from Cornelius to Constantine: The Nations, the Parting of the Ways, and Roman Imperial Ideology, by Terence L. Donaldson. Invited book review, Journal of Ecclesiastical History 73/1 (2022) 122-24.

The Hermeneutics of Divine Testing:  Cosmic Trials and Biblical Interpretation in the Epistle of James and Other Jewish Literature, by Nicholas Ellis. (Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015).  Review of Biblical Literature 2019 (

Jewish Ways of Following Jesus: Redrawing the Religious Map of Antiquity, by Edwin K. Broadhead. Studies in Christian-Jewish Relations 8 (2013) 1-4.

Judaism, Jewish Identities and the Gospel Tradition: Essays in Honour of Maurice Casey, ed. by James G. Crossley.  Biblical Theology Bulletin 43 (2013) 170-71.

Letters and Homilies for Jewish Christians: A Socio-Rhetorical Commentary on Hebrews, James and Jude, by Ben Witherington III. Expository Times 123.5 (2012) 224.

Matthew, James, and Didache: Three Related Documents in Their Jewish and Christian Settings, ed. by Huub van de Sandt and Jürgen K. Zangenberg. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 73 (2011) 212-13.

Jews or Christians? The Followers of Jesus in Search of their own Identity, by Giorgio Jossa. Biblical Theology Bulletin 39 (2009) 230-31.

Identity & Interaction in the Ancient Mediterranean: Jews, Christians, and Others, ed. by Zeba A. Crook and Philip A. Harland. Catholic Biblical Quarterly 71 (2009) 452-54.

The Ways that Never Parted: Jews and Christians in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages, ed. Adam H. Becker and Annette Yoshiko Reed, Biblical Theology Bulletin 38 (2008) 189-90.

The Quest for Paul's Gospel: A Suggested Strategy, by Douglas A. Campbell. Review of Biblical Literature 1/2008 []

Philo and Paul Among the Sophists: Alexandrian and Corinthian Responses to a Julio-Claudian Movement, by Bruce W. Winter. Second Edition, with a Foreword by G. W. Bowersock. Studia Philonica Annual 2005.

The Formation of Christianity in Antioch: A Social-Scientific Approach to the Separation Between Judaism and Christianity, by Magnus Zetterholm, 2003, Review of Biblical Literature 12/2004 []. Reprinted in Journal of Biblical Literature124.4 (2004) 762-67.

Philodemus and the New Testament World, ed. John T. Fitzgerald et al., 2004, Journal of Biblical Literature 123.2 (2004) 373-77. Reprinted in Review of Biblical Literature 5/2005 [].

Revisiting Paul's Doctrine of Justification: A Challenge to the New Perspective. With an essay by Donald A. Hagner, by Peter Stuhlmacher, 2001, Review of Biblical Literature  2/2004 [].

The Crowds in the Gospel of Matthew, by J. R. C. Cousland, 2002, Journal of Biblical Literature 122.2 (2003) 379-82. Reprinted in Review of Biblical Literature 2/2005 [].

Has God Not Chosen the Poor? The Social Setting of the Epistle of James, by David Hutchinson Edgar, 2001, Review of Biblical Literature 2/2003 [].

James, by C. Freeman Sleeper, 1998, Review of Biblical Literature 4/2002 [].

Pure Kingdom: Jesus' Vision of God, by Bruce Chilton, 1996, Journal of Religion 78 (1998) 425-27.

The Letter of James: A New Translation with Introduction and Commentary, by Luke Timothy Johnson, 1995, Journal of Religion 78 (1998) 102-104.

Sinners and the Righteous: A Comparative Study of the Psalms of Solomon and Paul's Letters, by Mikael Winninge, 1995, Religious Studies Review 23.2 (1997) 185.

Searching the Scriptures, Volume One: A Feminist Introduction, ed. Elisabeth Schüssler Fiorenza, Journal of Biblical Literature 115 (1996) 383-84.

To Tell the Mystery: Essays on New Testament Eschatology in Honor of Robert H. Gundry, ed. Thomas E. Schmidt and Moisés Silva, Journal of Biblical Literature 115 (1996) 384.

Wort als Gesetz: Eine Untersuchung zum Verständnis von 'Wort' und 'Gesetz' in israelitisch-frühjüdischen und neutestamentlichen Schriften. Gleichzeitig ein Beitrag zur Theologie des Jakobusbriefes, by Martina Ludwig, 1994, Journal of Biblical Literature 115 (1996) 372-75.